The Catnip Project Rumble videos

Rumble videos:

1. The Catnip Project begins in Penzance.

2. Flynn loves the catnip sock.

3. Making a catnip finger glove.

4. Radio Flynn & The Catnip Project.

5. Silver Vine sticks great for cats.

6. A chat about Hertz healing, Silver Vine & cats generally.

8. Making a Silver Vine finger glove.

9. Flynn approves of the Silver Vine finger glove.

11. Introducing the Silver Vine hand band.

12. Nepotalactone & nepotalactol.

14. Just one whiff of Silver Vine sets cats off. 

15. The Catnip Project promo video #1

17. Attempted robbery of a catnip finger glove!

18. Catnip, Medbeds & All Things Made New.

19. Why do cats roll around?

20. Are you a Lyran starseed? 

21. Are you Arcturian?

22. I thought white cats were supposed to be gentle & etheric?

23. A new friend who loves valerian root.

24. Scampi, valerian root & magic ❤️ petal.

The Catnip Project Telegram group invite link
